Fabricio Chalub Barbosa do Rosário - M.Sc. Student at UFF. My advisor is Christiano Braga. - November 7 -- December 4, 2004: guest at BRICS: Basic Research in Computer Science Research Center and International PhD School at the Universities of Aarhus and Aalborg Email address: fchalub@ic.uff.br Update 2005/07/03. My M.Sc. dissertation is now available for download in Publications! A new version of the Maude MSOS Tool site is coming soon. Update 2005/07/16. New site for the Maude MSOS Tool. Link at SourceForge, Link at UFF. Talks & Seminars updated with my defense talk. { Talks & Seminars Maude MSOS Tool Publications Etc. } Research topics The Feynman Problem Solving Algorithm:
1) Write down the problem. 2) Think very hard. 3) Write down the solution. * Language-oriented Software Development * Rewriting Logic * Modular Structural Operational Semantics * Action Semantics $Date: 2005/07/16 22:40:07 $