Instances for the routing and wavelength assignment problem

  1. How to cite this page

  2. Instance files

  3. Bibliography

How to cite this page


author = {Noronha, T.F.; Resende, M.G.C.; Ribeiro, C.C.},

title = {Instances for the routing and wavelength assignment problem},

howpublished = {},


Instance files

The instances are separated in three classes as in [1]: (i) Random instances (set Y), grids embedded on a torus (set Z), and classic or realistic instances (set W). Each instance is divided into two files: one with the network topology and the other with the set of lightpath requests.

The network topology file has the extension ".net" and gives a directed graph in the folowing format:

|V| |A|

for each arc (i,j) in A:

i j

where V is the set of nodes and A is the set of arcs (fibes) in the network. The lightpath requests file has the extension ".trf" and gives a list of lightpath requests in the folowing format:


for lightpath request (u,v) in T:

u v

where T is the set of lightpath requests.

Click here to download all instances.


[1] T.F. Noronha, M.G.C. Resende and C.C. Ribeiro, "A biased random-key genetic algorithm for routing and wavelength assignment", Journal of Global Optimization, 2010 (to appear).

[2] T.F. Noronha, M.G.C. Resende and C.C. Ribeiro, "Efficient implementations of routing and wavelength assignment heuristics", Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5038:169-180, 2008.

[3] T.F. Noronha and C.C. Ribeiro, "Routing and wavelength assignment by partition coloring", European Journal of Operational Research 171:797-810, 2006.

Last update: November 1, 2010