Data format: 1) CHPT.TXT teacher (i), class (j), weekly number of lessons of the teacher to the class (r_{ij}) 2) DUPT.TXT teacher (i), class (j), number of double lessons that are requested by the teacher to the class 3) FOLGAH.TXT teacher (i), period (k), flag Obs.: There are d=5 days and in each day there are h=5 lessons. Therefore, there are p=dxh=5x5=25 periods and 25 lessons. The first lesson of Monday receive the number 1, the second receive the number 2 and so on. The last lesson receive the number 25. Flag = 1 if the teacher i is unavailable in the period k and Flag = 0, otherwise 4) LIPT.TXT teacher (i), class (j), maximum daily number of lessons of the teacher i to the class j.