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10. System Monitoring Software

10.1 bWatch

bWatch is a GUI Beowulf Cluster Monitor. It displays load averages, memory, swap, number of processes and users for all nodes in a single window. bWatch is available from

NOTE: The bwatch.rpm shipped with the S.u.S.E Linux distribution installs in /usr/X11R6/bin and assumes that the wish interpretor is also installed under /usr/X11R6/bin. Red Hat Linux installs wish under /usr/bin, hence bWatch won't run. You can simply edit the first line of /usr/X11R6/bin/bWatch and change it from #!/usr/X11R6/bin/wish to #!/usr/bin/wish.

10.2 Using httpd and CGI scripts.

One way of obtaining statistics from your beowulf cluster is via httpd running on your server node, and a CGI script. The idea is that the CGI script executes remote shells to the node your are querying, and formats the retrieved information into a HTML page which the httpd server sends to your browser. This is a very easy way of checking the system performance from anywhere in the world as long as there is a browser and an Internet connection. There is an example index.html file at which calls the CGI script getinfo.cgi.

10.3 Netpipe

Netpipe is a very good network performance testing tool which enables to check the throughput of TCP, MPI, and PVM of different size packts. You can use gnuplot or a spreadsheet to plot the results produced by Netpipe. You can find NetPIPE at

10.4 Network performance: netperf


Run Script:

./netperf -t UDP_STREAM -p 12865 -n 2 -l 60 -H NODE -- -s 65535 -m 1472
./netperf -t TCP_STREAM -p 12865 -n 2 -l 60 -H NODE

NODE is the remote node name.

10.5 Parallel Performance: NASA parallel Benchmarks


10.6 CMS

There is a package called CMS (Cluster Management System). It is available from This version is new, and we have not had time to test it. The previous version worked well except for the remote (real time) monitoring. It does include a system reboot and shutdown feature.

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