I Winter School and Workshop on Theoretical Computer Science

(In Portuguese)

The I Winter School and Workshop on Theoretical Computer Science (WEITC 2017, acronym in Portuguese) aims at bringing together students and researchers from all over the country in Theoretical Computer Science to discuss their work in a friendly and live environment. In particular, WEITC wishes to provide a constructive environment for students, where they may present their work, have comments and suggestions from experienced researchers, and get to know the state-of-the-art in Theoretical Computer Science.

It will be hosted by Instituto de Computação from Universidade Federal Fluminense from October 1 to October 4, 2017. There will be four tutorials and eight invited speeches from senior Brazilian and international speakers. Both undergraduate and graduate students will have a chance of presenting their work on several technical sessions. The proceedings will be in the form of a booklet with (extended) abstracts of submitted work.

Research areas

All areas related with Theoretical Computer Science are welcome. Examples are:

  • Algorithms
  • Programming languages
  • Logic
  • Formal methods
  • Combinatorial optimization
  • Category theory
  • Graph theory

Submission process

Authors should submit abstracts of up to one page either in English or Portuguese. Both on going and in final states of development are welcome. Abstracts should be formatted in LaTeX following the Workshop' style. Submission should be done using WEITC's EasyChair installation.

Important dates

  • Deadline for submissions: July 10, 2017.
  • Event: August 1, 2017.


Registration is free of charge. It is necessary to register using the following form.



9:00hInvited talk: A logical approach to the verification of concurrent systems (Narciso Martí-Oliet)
10:00hTechnical session 1
14:30hShort-course: Modal Reasoning through Resolution (Cláudia Nalon)
17:30hInvited talk: Treating the undecidable - the case of termination (Maurício Ayala-Rincón)


9:00hTechnical session 2
14:30hShort-course: Indução, iteração, recursão e boa ordem (Petrucio Viana)
17:30hInvited talk: A discussion on the conjectures NP vs PSPACE and NP vs coNP (Edward Hermann Haeusler)


9:00hInvited talk: Simulation of physical phenomena with cellular automata (Gilles Dowek)
10:00hTechnical session 3
14:30hShort-course: An introduction to Linear Logic (Jean-Baptiste Joinet)
17:30hInvited talk: An Introduction to Interactive Theorem Proving with Isabelle/HOL (Alfio Martini)


9:00hInvited talk: Intratabilidade e Otimização: uma Homenagem a David S. Johnson (Eduardo Uchôa e Luciana Buriol)
10:00hTechnical session 4
14:00hShort-course: Formulações Matemáticas para Problemas de Programação Linear Inteira (Luciana Buriol)
17:00hInvited talk: 50 anos de “Alan M. Turing Award (1966-2016): Uma Análise do Impacto dos Pesquisadores Premiados na Ciência da Computação e na Sociedade (Luís Lamb)

Technical sessions

Technical session 1TitleAuthor(s)
10:00hCyber-Physical System Classification and Design MethodsAndre Metelo e Christiano Braga
10:30hEstudo sobre propriedades de um sistema ciber-físico para controle de qualidade de água em ambientes industriaisDiego Brandão, Christiano Braga, Fabricio Lopes e Silva e Cristiano Carvalho
11:00hFormal reasoning on KT45nVictor Ferreira Teixeira da Silva e Christiano Braga
11:30hVerification of B Machines through NarrowingMaurício Pires e Christiano Braga
12:00hOrdered Monoid Automata and Normative Multi-Agent SystemsChristiano Braga e Jean Zahn
Technical session 2TitleAuthor(s)
9:00hRank and Special Graph ClassesMoisés Carvalho, Carlos Vinicius Lima, Simone Dantas, Vinícius Linder ande Vinícius Santos
9:30hProblema da Árvore Geradora com Representação MínimaElio David Zaldivar Linares
10:00hTowards natural deduction systems non-deterministic finite-valued propositional logicsCecilia Lustosa e Edward Hermann Haeusler
10:30hExploring the SUO-KIF semanticsFabricio Chalub, Alexandre Rademaker e Edward Hermann Haeusler
11:00hTableau e Cálculo de Sequentes para a Lógica Combinada CIPLRanieri B. Costa
11:30hInvestigations on the axiomatic presentation of ALC Description LogicFabricio Chalub, Alexandre Rademaker, Edward Hermann Haeussler e Christiano Braga
12:00hProof Search and Counter-model Generation in Propositional Minimal Implicational LogicJefferson Santos, Bruno Lopes e Edward Hermann Haeusler
Technical session 3TitleAuthor(s)
10:00hUma avaliação computacional de prova de teoremas em Dedução Natural assistida por computador para lógicas proposicionaisBernardo Alkmim e Edward Haeusler
10:30hFormalizando a teoria de linguagens regulares com o CoqErick Grilo, Bruno Lopes e Aline Paes
11:00hA Logical Approach to ReoAndré Luiz Pereira Jr. e Bruno Lopes
11:30hBlockchain model checkingBruno Olímpio e Bruno Lopes
12:00hProving Total Correctness of a Sorting Algorithm with Hoare Logic and Temporal Logic of ActionsJoão Pianta, Barbara Kudiess e Alfio Martini
12:30hTheorem provers for Dolev-Yao multi-agent epistemic logicLuiz Cláudio F. Fernandez, Mario Roberto F. Benevides e Anna Carolina C. C. M. De Oliveira
Technical session 4TitleAuthor(s)
10:00hColoração de grafos(r,l)Matheus Alves e Uéverton Souza
10:30hCliques e Conjuntos Independentes em Grafos Prisma~Complementares: Complexidade e Tratabilidade ParametrizadaPriscila Camargo e Uéverton Souza
11:00hAlocação de professores em quadro de horários através de algoritmos de fluxo em redesVictor Ramos, Uéverton Souza e Simone Martins
11:30hDominação Vetorial na Família dos Grafos Cordais: Um Estudo da Complexidade ComputacionalRodrigo L. Mafort e Fábio Protti
12:00hCaracterização por subgrafos proibidos dos grafos P4-tidy quase-bipartidosFábio S. Júnior, Raquel S. F. Bravo, Rodolfo Oliveira and Uéverton Souza
12:30hGeração de grafos com atraso linearÁtila A. Jones, Fábio Protti e Renata Del-Vecchio

Program committee

  • Alexandre Rademaker (IBM Research, Brasil)
  • Aline Paes (UFF, Brasil)
  • Bruno Lopes (co-chair - UFF, Brasil)
  • Carlos Olarte (UFRN, Brasil)
  • Christiano Braga (co-chair - UFF, Brasil)
  • Cláudia Nalon (UnB, Brasil)
  • Edward Hermann Haeusler (PUC-Rio, Brasil)
  • Elaine Pimentel (UFRN, Brasil)
  • Fábio Protti (UFF, Brasil)
  • Guilherme Lima (PUC-Rio, Brasil)
  • Lew Gordeev (Universität Tübingen, Alemanha)
  • Mario Benevides (UFRJ, Brasil)
  • Petrucio Viana (UFF, Brasil)
  • Raquel Bravo (UFF, Brasil)
  • Renata de Freitas (UFF, Brasil)
  • Ueverton Souza (UFF, Brasil)
  • Valeria de Paiva (Nuance Communications, EUA)

Organizing committee

  • Bruno Lopes (UFF, Brasil)
  • Christiano Braga (UFF, Brasil)


  • UFF