• Adding JPlay's Framework to your project

    • Download and install NetBeans IDE, Java SE version is enough. link
    • Download and save the package that contains JPlay. link.
    • Unzip it in the same folder of your project.
    • Open NetBeans.
    • Go to File -> Open Project.
    • Go to the folder where the example has been downloaded. You'll see a cup of coffee followed by the name of the example.
    • Some error about the library will occur.
    • Open Library folder.
    • Right click on Library folder -> Add Project.
    • Go to the folder where JPlay has been unzipped and click on add Project Jar files.
    • It's Done. Now just press F6 and the example will be executed.

    UFF - Universidade Federal Fluminense - Institudo de Computação - Ciência da Computação