• The Parallax Class

    It's pretty simple to use the Parallax, first we shall create an object from its class.

    Parallax p = new Parallax();
    After that, the “backgrounds” will be added.
    Note: The first "backgrounds" to be inserted will be the last layers of the plan.

    1 - Adjusting Speed

    There are three methods in this class in charge of adjusting the speed of the plans: setVelAllLayers, setVelAllLayersStandard e setVelLayer.

    setVelAllLayers(double velMainLayerX, double velMainLayerY)
    // Adjusts the speed of all layers from the main layer.
    // It divides the speed of the following layers by 2.
    // Adjusts the speed of all layers from the main layer
    setVelLayer(double velX, double velY,ParallaxLayers bg)
    // Assigns velX and VelY to the layer passed as parameter

    2 - Other methods

    //Draw all the layers.
    repeatLayers(int windowWidth,int windowHeigth, boolean axisX)
    // Makes the whole layer return to its initial position as soon as it reached its final position. If Boolean
    // axisX is true, the layers from the X axis are repeated, otherwise, the layers from the Y axis are repeated.
    moveLayersStandardX(boolean left)
    // moves all the layers to the left if true, otherwise moves them to the right.
    moveLayersStandardY(boolean up)
    // move all the layers up to the true case, otherwise moves them down.
    setMainLayer(ParallaxLayers layer)
    // sets the main layer
    // returns the main layer
    setVelMainLayer(double x,double y)
    // assings the speed the main layer, velX and velY.
    setVelLayerX(double velX,ParallaxLayers bg )
    // sets the speed of the layer in the X axis
    setVelLayerY(double velY,ParallaxLayers bg )
    // sets the speed of the layer in the Y axis
    public void setVelAllLayers()
    // Assigns the value of the speed for all the layers.
    // Note: If you use this method, the method setVelMainLayer (double x, double y) must be called before,
    // otherwise all the layers will have 0 as value.

    UFF - Universidade Federal Fluminense - Institudo de Computação - Ciência da Computação