Logo IC/UFF Leonardo Gresta Paulino Murta
Associate Professor, IC/UFF
D.Sc., COPPE/UFRJ, 2006
M.Sc., COPPE/UFRJ, 2002
B.Sc., IC/UFRJ, 1999


Configuration Management


Course: Configuration Management

Date: Wednesdays and Fridays from 11am to 1pm

Place: rooms 315 (Wednesday) and 213 (Friday) of the new Computing Institute building

Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/cm2014.2/ (important: all students should subscribe to this group)


Score = (2 x Paper Presentations + 2 x Seminars + 2 x Term Paper + Paper Reviews) / 7


(Presence >= 75%) AND (Score >= 6)


(Undergrad Student) AND (Presence >= 75%) AND (4 <= Score < 6)


All activities can be performed in groups of two for undergrad students. Groups should be established in the first week and remain the same until the end of the course. All grad students (MS and Ph.D.) should perform all activities individually.

Paper Presentations

One class per week (check schedule section) is dedicated to the presentation of papers read during the week (around 30 minutes), followed by questions and discussions. All students are supposed to read all papers, but only a predefined student/group presents each paper. By the end of the presentation, all students are supposed to ask questions and discuss about the paper. Usually, each student/group present a total of 2 to 3 papers during the whole course. Please, send me the list of papers you want to present as soon as possible (list at least 5, sorted by preference). The assignment is based on a “first come, first served” strategy.

The papers are available at our Facebook group. Please, subscribe to our group to download the papers.

1st reading:

[Luciana] Estublier, J. Software Configuration Management: a Roadmap. International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), The Future of Software Engineering, p. 279-289, 2000.

2nd reading:

[Bruno] Spinellis, D. Version Control Systems. IEEE Software, v.22, n.6, p. 106-110, 2005

[Luciana] O’Sullivan, B. Making sense of revision-control systems. Communications of the ACM, v.52, n.9, p. 56-62, 2009.

3rd reading:

[João Felipe and Raissa] Conradi, R. and Westfechtel, B. Version Models for Software Configuration Management. ACM Computing Surveys, v.30, n.2, p. 232-282, 1998.

4th reading:

[Bruno] Prudêncio, J. G., Murta, L. G. P., Werner, C. M. L., Cepeda, R. S. V. To lock, or not to lock: That is the question. Journal of Systems and Software, v.85, n.2, p. 277–289, 2012.

[João Felipe] Mens, T. A State-of-the-Art Survey on Software Merging. IEEE Trans. Software Engineering, v.28, n.5, p. 449-462, 2002.

5th reading:

[João Felipe] Gousios G., Pinzger, M., van Deursen, A. An Exploratory Study of the Pull-Based Software Development Model, International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), p. 345-355, 2014.

[Mateus] Tsay, J., Dabbish, L., Herbsleb, J. Influence of Social and Technical Factors for Evaluating Contribution in GitHub, International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), p. 356-366, 2014.

6th reading:

[Mateus and Abel] Appleton, B., Berczuk, S., Cabrera, R., Orenstein, R. Streamed Lines: Branching Patterns for Parallel Software Development. PLoP, 1998.

7th reading:

[Luciana and Abel] Estublier, J., Leblang, D., et al. Impact of Software Engineering Research on the Practice of Software Configuration Management. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM), v.14, n.4, p. 1-48, 2005.

8th reading:

[Abel] Zimmermann, T., Weisgerber, P., Diehl, S., Zeller, A. Mining Version Histories to Guide Software Changes. International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), p. 563-572, 2004.

[Raissa] Storey, M. D., Carbonic, D., et al. On the use of visualization to support awareness of human activities in software development: a survey and a framework. ACM Symposium on Software Visualization (SoftVis), p. 193-202, 2005.

9th reading:

[Mateus] Silva Junior, J. R., Pacheco, T., Clua, E. W. G., Murta, L. G. P. A GPU-based Architecture for Parallel Image-aware Version Control. European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR), p. 191-200, 2012.

[Bruno] Murta, L. G. P., Oliveira, H. L. R., et al. Odyssey-SCM: An integrated software configuration management infrastructure for UML models. Science of Computer Programming, v.65, n.3, p. 249-274, 2007.

Term Paper

Each student/group should select a theme for the term paper in the first weeks. This term paper may reflect the application of CM in some field, the use of some technique to support CM, mining and visualization of CM repositories, or an study about some advanced CM technique. The theme should be explained to the professor before the beginning of the research.

As a result, a 8-page term paper should be written according to the SBC format. This paper should present the motivation and goal of the work, the related work, the obtained results, and final considerations.

The submission of term papers will follow a conference paper submission procedure. We will emulate a mini-conference using a real conference management software: EasyChair. Click here to submit your term paper (please, check the schedule section about the expected submission date).

Obs.: delays in the submission of term papers will be charged with 1 point per day.

Paper Reviews

As previously mentioned, we are going to simulate a conference in this course. The students will submit their term papers and also act as members of the program committee. Consequently, each student is supposed to review term papers of other three students. The reviews will not be used to grade the term papers, but to grade the capability of students in criticizing and providing deep feedback to other work.

Click here to write the reviews of papers assigned to you. Select the menu uff-cm-2014-2 and choose Change Role. Select the Review role and access the Reviews menu, clicking at My Papers. You should be able to see all papers assigned to you.

Obs.: delays in the submission of papers reviews will be charged with 1 point per day.


The course has three moments specifically reserved to present the ongoing work (check the schedule). It is possible to use slides and whiteboard during the presentations, and each presentation should take around 20 minutes. The first seminar is dedicated to understand the context of the work and the work methodology/goals. The second seminar focuses on showing the progress of the work. At this moment some partial but concrete result should be presented. Finally, the third seminar is the final presentation of the work, and should include a deep discussion of the obtained results.


According to the Undergrad and Grad rules, the minimal presence is 75% of the classes (Art. 80, §14 and Art. 20, respectively).


Date Activity Deliverable
13/08/2014 Lecture - Course Outline
15/08/2014 Lecture - Introduction
20/08/2014 Lecture - Foundations
22/08/2014 Paper Presentation (1st reading)
27/08/2014 Lecture - Foundations
29/08/2014 Paper Presentation (2nd reading)
03/09/2014 Seminar (1st round) - Abel, Bruno, and João Felipe
05/09/2014 Seminar (1st round) - Luciana, Mateus, and Raissa
10/09/2014 Lecture - Foundations
12/09/2014 Paper Presentation (3rd reading)
17/09/2014 No Class (professor sick)
19/09/2014 Lecture - Diff
24/09/2014 Paper Presentation (4th reading)
26/09/2014 Paper Presentation (5th reading)
01/10/2014 No Class (CBSoft)
03/10/2014 No Class (CBSoft)
08/10/2014 Seminar (2nd round) - Luciana, Mateus, and Raissa
10/10/2014 Seminar (2nd round) - Abel, Bruno, and João Felipe
15/10/2014 No Class (Agenda Acadêmica)
17/10/2014 No Class (Agenda Acadêmica)
22/10/2014 Lecture - Branching
24/10/2014 Paper Presentation (6th reading)
29/10/2014 Lecture - Branching
31/10/2014 Paper Presentation (7th reading)
05/11/2014 Lecture - Ant and Maven
07/11/2014 Paper Presentation (8th reading) transferred to 12/Nov
12/11/2014 Paper Presentation (8th reading)
14/11/2014 Paper Presentation (9th reading)
19/11/2014 No Class
21/11/2014 No Class (Recess)
26/11/2014 Seminar (last round) - Abel, Bruno, and Luciana Term Paper (submitted via EasyChair)
28/11/2014 Seminar (last round) - João Felipe, Mateus, and Raissa
03/12/2014 No Class Paper Reviews (submitted via EasyChair)
05/12/2014 Review of Course Grades
10/12/2014 No Class
12/12/2014 Supplementary Test